Posted by: positivethink49 | September 10, 2012

The Importance of a Name – An Addendum

On March 3, I wrote an article called The Importance of a Name (

In this article, I wrote about my Hebrew name Sinai and the reason my parents selected that name for me.  I remember my parents telling me that my godfather, who had only a daughter, wanted someone to carry on his father’s name.  He asked my parents if they would give me the name Sinai in memory of his father and they agreed.  That was all I know about the history of my name, until today.

Through the magic of Facebook, I found out that my older brother had become friends with my godfather’s daughter.  The last time I saw her was about 45 years ago.  I don’t even remember when it was.  I decided to send her a message and I asked her if she remembered me.  She replied that she did remember me (of course) and that we should keep in touch.  So we became Facebook friends.

We have had some conversations about our lives and I asked her if she wanted to read some of my writing.  I sent her the link to my blog and I asked her to read the article about my name.  After reading the article, she sent me a message which touched me deeply.  She said, “Robert, I remember well when you were given my grandfather’s name Sinai, and how very proud my father was that the name would be carried on.  My grandfather was a wonderful man, and I know he would be proud that you have his name.”

I am also very proud to carry on the name Sinai.  L’dor v’dor – From generation to generation.

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