Posted by: positivethink49 | August 11, 2011

Atlanta Half Marathon Training – Run #5

Can you believe it?  Today, I had to get out of bed at 5AM to do my run because I had an 8AM meeting.  I managed to get my old bones moving and was out, in the dark, early this morning for a 2.2 mile run.  Today was scheduled to be a 30 minute run but I figured I would just do the usual “to the end of the neighborhood and back” run, which is usually in the 30 minute range.

Today was the first day with my new watch to keep track of time.  I have never run with a watch before and the first lesson I have learned is to stop looking at the watch!  I was so focused on the time for a while that I was not enjoying the run.  Eventually, I got out of the habit of looking at it every time I was close to a street light where I could see it.  My total time was 31.14 and I know I was faster on the way home.  I think this is going to be typical since I start out slowly until I get the feel of running.  Plus, I feel like I need to save myself for the second half, and then, after a while, I go faster because I know I am going to make. it.

My next run is on Sunday when I go for 4 miles.  I am feeling great about not missing a day so far.  Physically, I feel very good and I love the emotional high I get when I finish the course and know that I did it!  Tune in again after the Sunday run!

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