Posted by: positivethink49 | August 14, 2011

Atlanta Half Marathon Training Run #6

Today I feel like I fought the wall and the wall won.  I set out on a 4 mile run this morning.  I started later than I wanted to so the sun was up and the heat and humidity were on the rise.  Plus, I mowed the lawn yesterday evening and played tennis a couple of nights this past week so my legs were a bit tired.  Nevertheless, I was set to do the 4 miles with my goal of finishing without walking.  As it turned out, my pace was faster than usual (well, faster than the only other time I have ever timed myself), and I felt pretty good.  I lacked focus though, and my mind was all over the place.  When I got back into my hilly neighborhood, I struggled to keep running.  I kept telling myself that it was just one foot in front of the other, and I tried to think positively.  But I eventually stopped running after about 3.2 miles and walked the rest.  Even so, my 4 mile time was 53.48, which is a 13.27 mile pace.  For me, that it is still impressive.

I suppose having a goal to run an entire distance is not realistic for me at this point.  Perhaps when the weather gets cooler, and as I continue to train, I will get more stamina.  Next Sunday is a 5 mile run so I will try to run longer but I won’t worry about walking.  As long as I don’t sit down, I will be happy.


  1. Run, walk, hop, skip or crawl, you finished and that counts for plenty Robert. Love your attitude and commitment to living your life Out Loud. You are a winner my friend.

    • Thanks Malcolm. For me, to run 6 straight times without missing a day is a major accomplishment. You know how much of a procrastinator I am! I get in my own way better than most people! I would love to talk with you more about how to get my story out there. I have started a Facebook page called Radical Change Is Possible. Please check it out and “Like” it. It is Brink Thinking under construction.

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